Currently there are 12 women self-help groups with each group having around 20 members. These groups meet regularly to pool their small savings and discuss the small financial needs of members and finance them for nominal interest. They also discuss ways of savings for each family. Such loan amount is generally invested for items like vendor cart or for children education, repairing house, etc. Depending on the need, loan may be extended up to Rs. 50,000. The interest earned is spent on group activities such as family get together, travel to a tourist place along with family members, etc. After many years of operations, we are happy to inform that there is no single instance of lapse by any member to return the amount loaned to them.
Tailoring Classes for women are held daily for 2 hours. Stitching, cutting, dress-making through manual and power driven machines are taught in 3 months’ course. Teachers appointed by the Trust ensure that ladies learn the required skills which enable them to start their own tailoring shop or get employment in nearby garment industries. Training is also imparted in specialised hand work such as embroidery, knitting, etc.
For a nominal fee, general public can avail the facility of learning basics of computers and spoken English. For those interested, introduction to Tally accounting software is also included in this course. Prior knowledge of English is not required to do this certification course. This training helps as an added qualification to find entry level jobs in small firms, malls, showrooms, etc